The Stumberg Seed Round logo with the outline of two heads with a plant growing inside them
Presenting the 2023 Stumberg Seed Round Startups
Six teams of aspiring entrepreneurs enter the Louis H. Stumberg新创企业竞赛

作为路易十六的一部分. Stumberg新创企业竞赛种子轮, six student-led teams will pitch startups to a panel of judges. The selected teams will present their companies on Friday, March 24, at 5 p.m. 在露丝·泰勒演奏厅. This first round gives the participants the chance to receive $5,为他们的创业公司提供种子资金. 

After moving past the seed round, the students will enter the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Accelerator. The accelerator will take place over a 10-week period over the summer, during which the teams will work full-time to build connections with local entrepreneurs, 参加商业课程, 并在支持下发展他们的公司 基克族 三位一体的 创业指导计划. 在2023年秋天回归澳门金沙线上赌博官网之后, the teams will compete for the grand prize of $25,在最后一轮比赛中,他获得了1000英镑的奖金.

The Stumberg Competition is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for students to engage with interests in business and marketing while expressing their creativity in an innovative and comfortable learning environment. The Stumberg Competition honors the legacy of the late 圣安东尼奥 businessman and civic leader Louis H. Stumberg. For more information about the Seed Round event, visit 事件.澳门金沙线上赌博官网.edu. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is encouraged to reserve a spot. 访问 哪些 注册.


从左至右:WooJin Han ' 26, Utsavi Joshi, 24岁, 马科斯·莫拉莱斯25岁, 莫利·普里迪,24岁, 何塞·埃尔南德斯26岁

BFit is a web application that aims to provide its users with the adaptable, 可定制的, and intimate experience of a personal trainer 和营养ist through artificial intelligence (AI). Providing users with carefully created workouts and diets, clients will enjoy specially curated exercises and meals that will keep them on track with their objectives. 通过结合最先进的人工智能技术, 网络技术, 还有一个强大的健身社区, we will revolutionize the personal fitness industry around the world.

从左到右:Gene Doerr ' 26, 玛德琳·冈萨雷斯,25岁, 乔纳森·迪亚兹,26岁, 以及26岁的内森·阿什沃思

宿舍的厨师 is a cooking and dining ware company that is perfectly curated for new home or apartment owners, 大学生, 露营者, 或者经常旅行的人. 宿舍的厨师 prioritizes space conservation by reducing dining sets to only the necessities and putting everything you’d need in one place. Our unique signature cooking bag features a slim, 现代设计, 非常适合小空间和人们在旅途中. Our free recipe book is an easy educational tool for inexperienced cooks, and our website features a platform for chefs of any level to connect and share their own recipes.


GlassBrain is an educational desktop application that rethinks how machine learning is taught. It uses a playground-style building block interface that allows students to quickly and intuitively experiment and design neural networks. 学生 are given access to educational course content and explanations of architecture from famous scientific literature, supporting the learning process in a way that is relevant to real-world experience.

From left to right: Jade Bondy ’23 and Julie Bondy ’23

与大自然一起工作, LiaiSun aims to combine sustainable technology and the home goods light industry. LiaiSun gets inspiration from modern photovoltaic and battery technologies to transform current artificial light sources, reducing energy use and contributing to global sustainability efforts. Users are provided with an efficient alternative to artificial light sources while maintaining quality light and the same ease of switching on a light.


野兽系列 is a sports and fitness apparel company providing customers with the finest high-quality athletic wear. The company focuses on empowering young adults to become the best versions of themselves, providing customers with the tools and motivation needed to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

From left to right: Ashleigh Reese ’26, Mitch Overton ’24, and Sofia Ortiz ’24

好而有价值 is women’s wellness redefined. Our app provides a personalized wellness and lifestyle plan for each individual woman via a menstrual cycle-based lifestyle approach. Using both the science and holistic practice of cycle syncing, 妇女将获得生活策略, 比如锻炼, 亲密关系的建议, 和营养, that match their individual hormone fluctuations. Our lifestyle plan is designed to help women reclaim their energy and fitness goals, 降低炎症, 提高他们的幸福感. We also aim to partner with both Eastern and Western medical practitioners that have access to cycle data and communicate via one platform to provide a place for women to finally receive whole-body, 个性化的, 妇女知情的保健.


艾玛·乌青格,24岁 helps tell 澳门金沙线上赌博官网's story as a writing intern for 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Strategic Communications and Marketing.
