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Humanity in Health Care
Jerold McDonald ' 08使用人工智能使医疗保健管理更高效

With a heavy call center volume, mountains of paperwork, and complex scheduling demands, 由于压力过大,医护人员通常会面临职业倦怠,并考虑辞职, 让组织陷入人员流动的“旋转门”. 这种加剧的压力往往使他们无法实时解决病人的需求,并提供人们所期望的个性化护理.

2008年毕业的Jerold McDonald希望通过使用人工智能(AI)自动化日常任务来解决医疗人员短缺的根本原因, thereby increasing productivity, reducing costs and the risk of error, and, most importantly, humanizing the care patients receive.

麦克唐纳承认,关于人工智能还有很多问题, 但他认为,我们把它变成一个非黑即白的问题,错过了一个关注对话的机会.

“AI’s potential is endless,” he points out. “You’re already surrounded by AI today, whether you realize it or not, from navigation and dating apps to recommendation engines. Now the question is, how can you leverage it to help and minimize harm, to optimize for health and human potential, and to be like the Iron Man suit for you?”

McDonald envisions health care without the busyness, 增加获取机会,使卫生保健更加公平,惠及所有人. Along with Ani Bagepalli, 他于2018年创立了Omaiven Health,其使命是“在医疗保健领域节省10亿分钟的繁忙工作”.” Omaiven is a spin on the word “maven,它指的是一个有经验的人或“理解的人”,名字中间的“ai”是对该公司如何利用人工智能来推动目标和利润的认可.

麦克唐纳称医疗保健是一个同时占据两个不同世界的空间——一个是快速发展的医疗创新,另一个是缓慢发展的管理任务. 他希望通过Omaiven弥合这两个世界之间的鸿沟.

“在医疗或护理方面,你可以在实时图像中看到你的心脏是什么样子. 我们可以在病人和医生在国家两端的地方做手术. We can save people from a massive stroke within minutes. We can map the human genome. At the same time, 所有的行政工作仍然主要在一张纸上完成, through fax machines, or with tons of manual tasks,” McDonald says. “我们的工作是缩小(医疗保健业务方面的)差距,从而加速同类创新.”

McDonald has always felt at home in a healthcare setting. Growing up, his brother frequently required hospital care. 有了定期的探访,医院对麦克唐纳来说成了一个舒适的地方. 麦当劳还与医疗保健行业的服务元素联系在一起.

“The through line of my life is service, especially coming from a family of military, social workers, and educators. 由于我最终没有在军队服役,我找到了其他服务的方式,”麦克唐纳说.

麦克唐纳在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得了经济学和企业传播的本科学位,然后进入了 澳门金沙赌城线上游戏医疗保健管理(HCAD)校园硕士课程.

“医疗保健管理是一个很好的方式,让我发挥我的商业技能,并提供服务,” McDonald says.

After earning his master’s degree, McDonald gained experience in operations, healthcare consulting, and technology implementations. Across his work in different areas of health care, 麦克唐纳意识到渠道和资源是如何紧密地交织在一起的.

As McDonald notes, a lot of paperwork in health care is repetitive, which opens the door to more human error. 例如,如果在表单上选中了错误的框,就会出现各种各样的问题. Omaiven的技术为组织提供全天候服务,帮助他们卸载电话, leverage digital forms to update demographics, communicate with patients at-scale, complete financial clearance, and more. By automating those repetitive tasks, Omaiven使用人工智能技术创建数字“劳动力”来支持医疗保健人员, freeing them up to build the deep, 患者在医疗保健中寻求有意义的关系.

“Technology is not supposed to be the solution; it’s supposed to enable the solution,” McDonald says. “Think of AI as your support team, not your competition. 以一种奇怪的方式,我们正在使用人工智能来增强医疗互动中的人性.”

Keeping in line with his spirit of service, 麦克唐纳继续参与澳门金沙线上赌博官网的HCAD项目. In 2022, he received the Momentum Award 因在医疗保健管理领域取得杰出成就而成为早期野心家. He currently serves on the department’s Advisory Council, 谁在课程方面为项目提供建议, residency development and placement, and resource enhancement. In this role, McDonald通过Tiger Tank和Healthcare PRISm(医疗保健问题需要创新解决方案)等竞赛指导学生如何思考解决医疗保健问题的创新策略。, preparing them to lead with empathy and creative confidence.

Jerold McDonald ' 08在2022年获得了卫生保健行政部门的动力奖.


“让医疗保健技术变得更好的唯一方法是在人类身边,锻炼同理心,了解人们面临的现实. If you want to improve the accuracy of AI, 这需要不断追求具有代表性的数据和改进的反馈回路来增强算法,” McDonald explains. 换句话说,我们必须加深对人类经验的理解. 人工智能是一系列不断发展的可能性,但人类很重要,而且永远都会如此.”


肯尼斯·卡鲁瑟斯(Kenneth Caruthers)是该校校友关系办公室数字通信助理主任.

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